Game paused while in background Aww, you were just about to win! Work can wait. This battle needs to be won. Stop reading, and start playing! Hey, where'd you go!? For a good time, click here. Aww, the fun part was just about to happen. What's going to happen next!? Click here to find out!
[ Tap to resume ]
Your job is to build and escort convoys, with the goal of
getting a van
to the enemy base.
On mobile, all controls are touch-based.
Inventory is
behind a button like so:
First up, weapons: While flying, try firing guns (SHIFT) and dropping bombs(CTRL).
You can also click to change direction.
Return to your base’s landing pad
to repair and reload.
Green lines and a sound will indicate completion.
You’ve got company! Look for white blocks on the radar. Don’t let their van reach your base!
Bombs (CTRL) are
effective on tanks.
The machine gun
(SHIFT) is good for others.
Return to your base, and order some infantry.
On desktop, press the i key for infantry.
Use the touch controls to show the inventory menu via the
≡ button.
Land in front of infantry to pick them up.
Fill up on infantry. You can carry five at once.
Find an enemy bunker near your base.
Enemy buildings are
orange blocks on the radar.
Drop an infantry near the bunker via SPACE.
Enemy bunkers have a left-facing arrow, and will "claim" the first passing infantry.
Super Bunkers can be neutral and dangerous, or armed by up to 5 Infantry which man the guns.
There is a Super Bunker near the midway point; look for a yellow-ish rectangle on the radar.
Super Bunkers will fire at everything except tanks. Tanks can disarm Super Bunkers.
To disarm the bunker via helicopter, drop 3 Infantry from directly overhead, using space.
Super Bunkers can be a powerful defensive tool. They're just slightly wider than your helicopter...
Order a Missile launcher, Tank, and a Van using the underlined letters.
You need funds to build convoys. You start with a number of funds, and they are earned over time.
The enemy is out there, but may be hiding.
You should see a grey triangle on the radar.
Find and take it out!
Missile Launcher vehicles self-destruct and fire when an enemy helicopter is in range.
Enemy units are ahead. Avoid missiles until they run out of fuel, or attempt to shoot them down.
Smart Missiles show up as fast-moving red dots on the radar, so keep an eye out!
Engineers are capable of claiming enemy turrets, and rebuilding and repairing friendly ones.
Turrets can be great defensive units, but very challenging to fight - especially on harder levels.
There is a dead turret near your base.
Order some Engineers, and watch them repair the turret if you like.
Turrets target helicopters, and can fire rapidly.
Turrets are vulnerable to Infantry, Tanks, Bombs, and Smart Missiles (X).
In harder levels, they will also fire at Tanks!
Find and destroy the turret near the midpoint.
Funds are earned at a regular interval. Fortune favours those who fly further into enemy territory.
For a challenge, get infantry into the enemy’s end bunker
to steal some of their funds!
You have completed bootcamp training.
You can keep playing, or exit the tutorial and play the full game.
Be warned, the full thing won’t be this easy!
Destruction Report | You | Enemy |
Tanks | 0 | 0 |
Missile Launchers | 0 | 0 |
Vans | 0 | 0 |
Engineers | 0 | 0 |
Infantry | 0 | 0 |
Gunfire | 0 | 0 |
Bombs | 0 | 0 |
Missiles | 0 | 0 |
Active: [none]
This level editor is a work in progress!
Think of it like a toolbox of brushes. Select a brush, then "paint" the landscape with e.g., tanks, bunkers, or flowers.
Click and drag the landscape, or use the "scrollbar" in the top radar area to navigate.
To place a Tank, press T (shift not required), then click near the ground. Use the < > keys to switch sides.
Some elements are grouped by type. Press the relevant key, e.g. S for structures, G for grass / gravestones. Once active, press the same key or use [ ] to cycle through items.
Once there is an "active" type, click near the ground to place it.
Click an item to select it. Arrow keys can move L/R one pixel at a time.
Click while pressing CMD / windows / meta-key to draw a selection marquee. CMD-click on an item to toggle and do multi-selection. Shift can be held during marquee for multi-select / toggle.
Press esc to exit "placement" mode.