Version Alpha 0.0.1
The start of our journey, we set up this surprise in our school`s website project.
Initially there is only one game, the Dino from Google Chrome,
soon we added the S.U.R.F from Microsoft Edge.
The adaption of Operius is a little difficult, since it is a game on Opera browser.
But thanks to an open source project, we did it.
Version Alpha 0.0.2
Added a Dino 3D game as a variant of the original Dino game.
Version Beta 0.1.0
Added a bunch of game from the project GameZone, include the JS13K Award Winning Game Dante and more.
Version Beta 0.1.1
Add: A new feature, Tag, includes "NEW", "CLASSICS" and "HOT". Also, a new about page for our contributors.
Change: Games were reordered based on user feedback.
Fix: Dino3D stucks at loading bar.
Version Beta 0.1.2
Add: The JS13K 2023 Series
Change: Some games were removed based on feedback.